Friday, September 29, 2006

Tutti Frutti

a long time ago a family of elves was expecting a new member. On the special day a beautiful baby girl was born to the couple, but after cleaning the baby they discovered the child was completly white, no bright colors among her little body whatsoever, no red hair from the mother, no blue eyes from the father, just plain white. The neighbours thought the child was sick or cursed and feared it would bring bad luck to their colorful village. The parents were frightned for their baby, what could have gone wrong?
No one wanted to play with the little girl, so she would take long solitary walks in the forest. She would sometimes cry while looking at her reflexion in a pond and wonder why people told her she was so ugly. One day her tears rolled into the water down to the fishes, and her sobs reached the forest animals' ears. They all gathered to observe the little girl.
"Why do you cry, little one?" bubbled the fish in the pond.
"Why are you so sad, white one?" the birds chirped. The plants and flowers caressed her cheek and hair. The deer, foxes and bunnies would circle around her, nuzzling and nibbling to try and clam her down.
"Because they say i'm so ugly," the girl sniffled. "They won't accept me cuz i've got no colors on me, just plain and ugly white." Fresh tears began falling from her white and colorless eyes.
The white owl, considered very wise by many in the forest, hooted sofly to the girl. "Silly little girl, you believe the words of ignorants? Do you not know that white is the mix of all the colors of the rainbow?"
"All the colors?" the girl whispered.
"Correct. You've always had the colors in you, we'll just have to help you bring them out." The animals began murmuring to eachother, eager to help the little girl.
"I will show you about yellow with my feathers," sang the canary.
"And blue with mine," cried the bluejay.
"We can teach you about orange and red with our scales," gurgled the fish.
"We'll give you our green," whispered the grass.
"And u can have my purple," giggled a butterfly.
Each one of the kind spirits of nature touched the girl's long white hair, and slowly it began to catch colors from the rainbow.
"Wait!" the girl cried. She looked down at her white hands and then at the wise white owl. "I still want to keep some white, like the wise owl." She smiled.
The villagers were all amazed when they watched the girl walk back into the village. She had the most beautiful multicolored hair, her eyes were two small rainbows, and a healty pink glowed from her smiling face. Now they had to regret their insults and admire the harmony than shone from the elf that possessed all colors.

 This was the first scrap/sketch

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Blond Heroes

Sketches of some characters. 
Edward from Full Metal Alchemist
Link from Legend of Zelda
Tidus from Final Fantasy X
Jak from Jak and Dexter
Photoshop Elements

Monday, September 18, 2006

Keely and Will

Characters for a friend from Elfwood who was writting a story for them

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Friday, September 8, 2006


From the PlayStation2 game "Xenosaga"
Colored pencils except for the background that was done in Photoshop Elements