Friday, April 10, 2009

Rue des Cascades

Hopper and the mutants

September 8, 2006
Someone suddenly appeared in the hallway with me. He looked like a regular person, a scrawny boy, with a childish expression. He took me by the arm and leaped high through the air, exploding through the roof and covering long distances in one single hop. He left me in another abandoned building and hopped back to bring my brother. He later introduced himself as Hopper, and helped me and my brother escape the house and then took us to another hideout where more people were gathered. I later found out they were a gang of mutants. They explained they had come to gather us at the store where we had gone to eat ice cream because, somehow, me and my brother were mutants as well and the police (or anti-mutant organization) had found out and were on their way to exterminate us. They wanted to help us manifest our powers, and someday become among the most powerful mutants.
The things I dream sometimes...

Thursday, April 9, 2009