Tuesday, July 24, 2012


At that moment a girl ghoul appeared and began explaining what was happening in the village. She said a clan of giants had come to pillage and destroy, that nearly everything was gone now. We needed to get out of the tower first to escape so we made a plan where she’d go to the giant trolls and make one of them break us out. And so she flew over to the dock, and snuck from beneath it to a troll that stood near the shore. It so happened to be the king troll and he seemed fond of girls. He mistook the ghoul for a mermaid, since he saw her in the water. And since he seemed to like mermaids, the girl ghoul decided to keep the charade up. She’d tease and playfully seduce him with her slim body, offering her cheek for him to kiss and quickly placing her rear instead in order to excite him. The giant would laugh raucously and continue to let himself be amused. 

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Fairy Sorta

Sketchbook Pro

Le Doc

I was trying to come up with a design for the main character in the game "Le Doc N Guys"
These were done in Corel Painter SketchPad

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Work Proof 26

Curly Scuba
Curly 3/4ths right walk cycle
Curly 3/4ths stay

Curly Balance keeper

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Work Proof 25

Big Mama Flying Front
Big Mama Flying Rear
Big Mama Flying Side
Big Mama top view walk
Big Mama jump 3/4ths view
Evil guys eel for pi games
Jelly for Pi game backgrounds

Friday, July 6, 2012

Bird Sketches

 Sketch of a bird I saw today. I first heard it’s call and thought it’d be a parrot, which are common where I live. But after following the sound for a while I saw this; it looked like a small turkey, or a large chicken, it had wide tail, and it was grayish brown, with a white mask and a black beak. It was partly hidden by trees and I only saw it for a few seconds before it flew away. It’s call seemed like a mix between a parrot and a monkey, and I felt like a little explorer finding a new specimen xD
Another birdy sketch


I wanted to try to make something with a tribal feeling. 
But then I went a bit color crazy.
Ink on paper