Sunday, February 24, 2013

Feathers n Swirls

I had started this two weeks ago, and was only working on it while visiting my family on sundays. I've come to fear what will happen with it when I start coloring the face, so here's a scan, just to be safe.


I had to make the keyframes of 5 actions of choice based on the story we had chosen to work on for a school project. I chose five of the nine character from the Nine Dogs idea I used for the project.
I had been forgetting to scan them them, until today. I animated the frames in GIMP.
This one is Blu the bulldog,
Jaz the Japanese Spitz,
Dan the Great Dane,
 Ski the Siberian Husky,
and Terri the Golden Retreiver.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Big Mamma, Curly & Kofi Pixel Redesign

Realised the scale of the previous animations were wrong, so re doing them again with the correct proportions.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Pixel Kronos wip

Finally got around to finishing the rocks for the island. Now gonna try and improve the grass, and later on the huevito. Also considered redesigning the rest of the islands.

Need to paint the grass in tones that will match the darkish theme of the rocks.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Time Crisis

So we've decided to concentrate from now til the summer on getting the game done. I made a small humorous advert for it.
Meanwhile, here's how Kronos is looking so far. I'm starting to feel confident working with pixel art. It seems like it is easier to emulate texture in this style.


Random sketchings of proportion ignorance.
Possible colour palette.

30 Day Challenge - Favorite Food

I like all food, spicy, sour, sweet, bitter. I'll eat practically anything. But I didn't want to draw everything (though now that I think about it, it could make an interesting horror vacui experiment), so I made a cute little ice cream cone.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Kronos Palettes

Still figuring out the palettes. I think I found several I'd like to use. For now I'm going to be sticking to three palettes for the rocks, so as to not saturated it with so many colours.