Friday, March 22, 2013

Legend of Zelda Lineart

I'm thinking I'll make the traditional version pencil only, and color this lineart digitaly.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

1GAM - Dressed to Kill Buildings

Tree Nymph Alien Girl Creature

I had gone out to walk the dogs, and after looking at the trees for a while I began to get a strange idea that I quickly sketched when I got back and only got around to working it again later on.

7 headed monster

In a dream it had devoured a dozen of orphans and it could apparently teletransport because it would suddenly appear out of nowhere, anywhere and terrorise people. Some other people and myself had been investigating the deaths of orphans and other victims and were scouting the city for clues. so far we thought we were after a person, perhaps a serial killer, until one time we were in the mall, at a small supply shop and suddenly this monster appeared killing left and right. We narrowly escaped and officially labeled this creature as the responsible one for the deaths until then.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Song Inspirations

Baby Teeth and Jewelry
Listening to Wye Oak's "Civilian". The background will be a bed of teeth and jewels. I can't get the hands in a position I like, I want her to be 'holding her own hand'.

Listening to Regina Spektor's "Lady". I wanted to make experiment with styles.

Listening to Asobi Seksu's "Walk on the Moon". I think this could make a good idea for trying photomanipulation.

Sistemas Aleatorios

Sketches during class today...I was trying to base the 2nd one on a dream I had last month.
I was trying to draw a portrait of someone I saw in a dream. Supposedly it's Troy's (from Community) mother, and she's a wacko... She had come to visit Troy and since he doesn't like her we couldn't find him anywhere. She was also plenty jealous of whomever knew Troy and tried to kill them whenever she had the chance. We ended up locking her in a closet while waiting to find Troy and come up with a way of getting rid of her.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Pose practice

Referencing from here. I changed the hands because I was having a really hard time getting them right.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


Tried drawing 20 birds... lost interest for now... perhaps to be continued later.
Wanted to build a horse with 6 wings.
Remembered the scene of an old dream and tried to sketch it. Not quite what I had envisioned, but it keeps the idea.
Another dream scene... messy and sketchy... the colors are still a bit off... there needs to be more shine in some areas and more dark in others.

Drawn referencing from