Wednesday, May 19, 2004

The one who catches all your tears

Some characters inspired by Hoobastank's song "The Reason"
Colored pencils and ink on paper.
  A sequel to the drawing about done in september of the same year.
Wrote a little exerpt for it.
Midnight was coming and she was still there. Laying belly-down on the hard and cold wood of the port, watching the ocean as it sprinkled salty water onto her face. Her head was full of sad, confusing and desperate thoughts. Thoughts that would drive her mad if she did not silence them soon. This was why she was still there, trying to organize those thoughts and ideas that kept dizzing her. If the ocean would take her, there would not be pain anymore, no more saddness, peace would come. She did not know why she kept living. She did not understand why she had not thought of ending all of this before. It didn't matter anymore. She knew that today everything would end.
Seconds before she stood so she could throw herself into the water and free her mind from her torments, something caught her attention. What looked like two dark diamonds had appeared infront of her, under the water. But she knew they weren't diamonds when she saw them blink at her. Those eyes grew bigger as they came closer and out of the water. The girl gasped when she recognized those mysterious eyes. They were the eyes of that creature she had seen the day she had been kidnapped and made a slave. The eyes of the creature that had followed her prisoner boat. The creature that had caught her tears in his palms the night she had cryed misirably, mourning her freedom. The girl had not forgotten that creature that had showed such interest in her and had accompanied her on the darkest day of her life. She now felt a strong affection for those eyes that watched her the same way they had on that night. And she also saw the same curiosity seemed to be...the same affectio. She could only smile weakly, feeling happy because the creature had returned the day she'd be slave for the last time.
'The only two times I've seen you, I've found you crying.' Said the creature with a deep and worried voice. He placed his webbed hand --green and scaley-- under the girl's face and caught a tear that fell from her sad eyes.
'Today will be the last day you see me is my last day...' She said with a torn smile. As soon as these words left her mouth, the creature took her face in between his hands and brought his cold lips to hers.
It was something that destroyed every thought in the girl's head. Tears began to pour out in big cascades of sour feelings. Her heart pumped strong and fast, full of life. What was this that she felt? The lips of the creature seemed to transmit an unknown joy. His hands --cold and wet-- where the warmest touch she had felt in a long time.
This was the reason why she had kept living. This was what she would at last feel after long years of suffering. This was what she had cryed for countless nights without comfort.
It was this.
It was Love.

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