Sunday, September 19, 2004


Collage of an abstract representation of the greek myth behind the sun flower.
A girl was inlove with the sun god, and all day she would gaze at his beauty as he did the day-ly run through the skies. He would not notice her ever and so the girl became sad and wanted to do nothing else but to gaze at him, to see if one day he would turn his eyes to hers. The gods to pitty on her and turned her into a sunflower, so she could follow him trhough all eternity, this is why the sunflower follows the sun, and hangs its head at night time(that was the short version). I like this myth, so for my art project(got to many of those don't I?) I did a collage about it, I used eyes to make the center of the flower to represent the girl's eyes, and the petals are cut-out peices of hair.

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