Saturday, December 23, 2006


For ShinyVulpix on DeviantArt
I did some sketching of the pokemon before doing the actual piece, I also played around with some cheap watercolors.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Monday, December 18, 2006

02. Love

Two characters for a story idea I've been thinking of writing.
Pencil on paper.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Friday, November 17, 2006


Made as a gift for a friend on DeviantArt

My wings fall apart

it was a warm day, a beautiful day really... the kind that's perfect for making beautiful memories... yes... a beautiful day... i was a happy fairy, had had a happy life, with happy people, happy feelings, with happiness... who would of thought it would end so?
humans are cruel... i had never thought of them as so... had never even seen them in these deep forests...'till that day that had started so perfectly... and ended so tragicly...
we fairies protect the forests, we're Mother Nature's little helpers... each one of us protect a plant, a bug, a flower, a seed... we pour our whole fragile lives into nature's children, because if we help nature grow, we too will live long and build memories with the forest, giving it something like inmortality...
what happened on my sad day? you might ask... all i can breath out now is "humans" ... my words are no longer heard... my breathing is slowed... my wings, crumble and fall apart... just like my flower and my tree did when humans came to cut them down...
Done with Photoshop Elements

Thursday, November 9, 2006

Journal Header

Something done with Corel Painter to use as a journal header on Deviantart.

Thursday, November 2, 2006

Favorite Disney Villans

Made this one for a contest at DisneyDreamers on DeviantArt
Photoshop Elements

I Had to Become Darkness Itself

Riku and Ansem from Kingdom Hearts 2
I first made a pencil version and then colored it in Photoshop Elements
 I could not decide if I liked it better with a darkening layer over it or not.

Wednesday, November 1, 2006

The only one I've loved

Image for someone that was writing a story. These are her characters.

Awaiting Transformation

a cold night,
a dark moment.
complete silence,
stillness like death.

you are out there,
probably alone,
posibly hurt.

the urge to find you is strong,
but i must obey your last order.


it's wrong to question the master,
but it's not wrong to care for his well-being...
you told me to stay...
but the moment i hear,
the moment i see,
the moment i sense your fall
i'll come
in my strongest,
in my fullest,
transformed to keep you safe... 

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

01. Introduction

Number 1 of the 100 theme challenge.
I tried making a fursona.
Colored Pencils

Insects - Banana

Part of a series where I want to draw the personifications of insects I've seen.
This one was a big yellow moth I found one morning right next to our front door. It's colored made me think of a Banana, and that's how I named the character. He's supposed to have a laid-back sort of personality, and he's a mute.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Higschool Notebook sketches

Sketches and doodles from several notebooks I used in junior high and highschool