Friday, November 17, 2006

My wings fall apart

it was a warm day, a beautiful day really... the kind that's perfect for making beautiful memories... yes... a beautiful day... i was a happy fairy, had had a happy life, with happy people, happy feelings, with happiness... who would of thought it would end so?
humans are cruel... i had never thought of them as so... had never even seen them in these deep forests...'till that day that had started so perfectly... and ended so tragicly...
we fairies protect the forests, we're Mother Nature's little helpers... each one of us protect a plant, a bug, a flower, a seed... we pour our whole fragile lives into nature's children, because if we help nature grow, we too will live long and build memories with the forest, giving it something like inmortality...
what happened on my sad day? you might ask... all i can breath out now is "humans" ... my words are no longer heard... my breathing is slowed... my wings, crumble and fall apart... just like my flower and my tree did when humans came to cut them down...
Done with Photoshop Elements

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