Thursday, December 31, 2009

She Sighs

This is a random doodle i liked enough to color, needed to get back practicing photoshop elements, and it had been AGES since i uploaded something half-way decent anywhere... its a sort of she person with bat like ears... a quiet kind of creature, always lost in contemplation of the world and cosmos and meditation upon the flow of time, the life and death of things... do not disturb her because she turns into a terrible monster...
 Here are some trials I did before deciding on the final piece.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Sunday, December 20, 2009



My brother had found the PS2 game of Okami I had been looking for.
And I was finally able to play it :3
Headshot of Amaterasu, done with Photoshop Elements.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Irish folk tale

There was a contest going on about irish fairy tales, I sketched an entry for it but never got around to finishing it in time for submission. This story was about a young man and a mermaid.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Something done with my brother. He drew and colored they guy and I drew and colored the girl.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Phileas and Aouda

I had just finished reading Jules Verne's "Around the World in 80 Days".
I really liked these two character.
Pencil on paper.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Law and politics notebook sketches

I was still in the wrong major at this point, I was studying journalism and taking a law and politics course in the summer. These are doodles done all over the notes xD

Sunday, May 31, 2009


it is a lovely book!
my favorite character was the turtle! x3

Momo is about a little girl with a very special way of listening to people, easy making friends and free of everything that keeps the rest of the world busy with work or school or obligations. Her friends slowly stop visiting her saying that they "don't have time", and at the same time Momo discovers a group of gray men invading the city apparently undiscovered by everyone else. Momo is visited one day by a turtle that leads her to a place no one else can enter, she meets some one who will teach her the meaning of time and assign her the task to save everyone from the gray men invasion.

The idea in this book is lovely about using your time and weighing worldly things against spiritual things like friendship and love.
And its easily read too, since it's a kid/adolescent book xD

The portrayal of characters here is how i personally imagine them, some designs may be a bit different...

colored pencil, dry pastel, pencil and Chinese ink
characters from Momo belong to Michael Ende

i love her hair! xD

Friday, May 29, 2009

Doggy Boxers

Drew this back in 2005. Decided to ink and color it.
Shigure from Fruits Basket.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Monday, May 18, 2009

Friday, April 10, 2009

Rue des Cascades

Hopper and the mutants

September 8, 2006
Someone suddenly appeared in the hallway with me. He looked like a regular person, a scrawny boy, with a childish expression. He took me by the arm and leaped high through the air, exploding through the roof and covering long distances in one single hop. He left me in another abandoned building and hopped back to bring my brother. He later introduced himself as Hopper, and helped me and my brother escape the house and then took us to another hideout where more people were gathered. I later found out they were a gang of mutants. They explained they had come to gather us at the store where we had gone to eat ice cream because, somehow, me and my brother were mutants as well and the police (or anti-mutant organization) had found out and were on their way to exterminate us. They wanted to help us manifest our powers, and someday become among the most powerful mutants.
The things I dream sometimes...

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The witch

...i half tripped outside, looked at him confused and angered, the wind was blowing violently, my hair flailing uncontrollably, my clothes stretching and seeming about to tear apart...the whispers in my head became cackles, and i began to grow afraid, the wind seemed to laugh crazily too, when i looked to the three roads that drew away from our plaza i could see someone walking down the rich houses was a short person, with long bushy and disordered grayish white hair, as the figure came closer i noticed it was an old stout fat woman, she had a long pointy and bold nose, her eyes were completely peeled open, and her mouth seemed to be frozen in a whole smile where every tooth was visible stretching from eye to eye across her face...her steps were short and hard, she dressed a cream colored loose blouse tucked in a black skirt that was kicked lightly as her black pointy shoes moved forward, several necklaces and bracelets hung around her neck and wrists, big beaded pearls and red, blue and purple stones, she had a bun visible at the top of her head but more hair fell down her short back almost touching the floor, and she wore a long black shawl that reached the floor and made me think of crow feathers...

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The Sibling Movement

That would be the name of our family band.
We also liked:
*Psycho invaders
*The miraculously Cure of Zounds
*The Weird Seasons
*Olive Day
 And our aliases would be:

Some of our song titles were:
-Turtle's Dream
-Train of Thought
-The "ED" Song (bed, fed, etc)
-Four Steps Away

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Waiting at the museum

I was waiting for someone outside a museum in downtown, I sat down and sketched a little.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Dream sketch

Sketched a blue checkered dog I had dreamed about a few years back.