Sunday, May 31, 2009


it is a lovely book!
my favorite character was the turtle! x3

Momo is about a little girl with a very special way of listening to people, easy making friends and free of everything that keeps the rest of the world busy with work or school or obligations. Her friends slowly stop visiting her saying that they "don't have time", and at the same time Momo discovers a group of gray men invading the city apparently undiscovered by everyone else. Momo is visited one day by a turtle that leads her to a place no one else can enter, she meets some one who will teach her the meaning of time and assign her the task to save everyone from the gray men invasion.

The idea in this book is lovely about using your time and weighing worldly things against spiritual things like friendship and love.
And its easily read too, since it's a kid/adolescent book xD

The portrayal of characters here is how i personally imagine them, some designs may be a bit different...

colored pencil, dry pastel, pencil and Chinese ink
characters from Momo belong to Michael Ende

i love her hair! xD

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