Saturday, April 14, 2012

Mansion Inheritance

The courtyard and fountain were littered with dry leaves and twigs. To the left side there was a corridor with several doors, openings and niches. First there was a small room, 60x60cm wide in the corner, a dark gray cat was sitting in one of its corners and it looked up at me with its yellow eyes when I peeked into the room. Down the same corridor was a niche with a sculpture of a carved man. On the corridor on the right was a painting of an old lady hanging on the wall. She wore a black dress with a dark green brooch on the high neck, and she was standing with both hands holding a dark cane. Her hair was light gray and tied into a bun. She would move her head, following me with her squinting eyes as I walked by. There was another door leading to a room but I didn’t go through.

I dreamed I inherited an abandoned mansion with strange pictures and strange statues

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