Friday, October 26, 2012

A new door? Maybe a window!

So this week I just finished giving in a project for school. We had to make a scale model of an enviroment of our choice. I decided to make an idea for the DYNOSTIC design. While the material choosing and the model construction were both fun, challenging, stressful and rewarding at times the project helped me consider, seriously, taking on several other ideas regarding 'constructing' and making things.
For example, I'd like to make an R2D2 cookie jar, like I once saw on the internet. Or a King Boo styled pot for plants. Small things like these, and now that I've been to supply stores I have more ideas of what materials to use and where to find them. Plus, I had a really good teacher, and I don't doubt he'd hesitate in helping me with whatever bumps I encounter.
So, here's to future projects!

These are some photos of the interior, edited in GIMP and Picasa Web's Creative Kit, showing the Doc & Guys!

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