Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Apocalipse and Aliens

 To the far corner of the room several individuals began to shout in anger and fright. Suddenly the ground of the throne room began to crumble inward, the walls began to give way as well, and everyone began to fall downward. I then realized that we were falling through the sky, beneath us was a long drop to ground. The land below was covered with forests, mountains, gorges, fields, and lakes. To the distance small cities were visible, and above us I saw the dome of the throne room crumbling in on itself and then disappearing, as if it had transported us to a different universe, or as if it had been a floating castle that crumbled out of existence…

When I was close enough to the ground I my wind ability to land safely. I was at the outskirts of the forest, looking towards a wide open field. Only a few dead bodies littered it. Some of the sturdier species were picking themselves up. I remember watching a minotaur lift himself up, apparently unharmed and walking around the area. A velociraptor that had also fallen with us was also getting on its feet. While it observed the surroundings it found a group of eggs in a niche in the ground. A bird man warned it about picking up eggs we knew nothing about, but the dinosaur proceeded to crack it with the intention of eating it. The rest of us observed as a strange creature emerged from the egg, some alien life form with vicious teeth and tentacles that ended up strangling the dinosaur and proceed to feed on it. Upon watching this, those of us who were nearby decided to leave the area.

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