Sunday, December 30, 2012

Models and Moons

I stumbled upon this page that listed 10 beautiful moons in our solar system. I want to make quick sketches of the moon as women. It'll serve for figure practice and maybe even color training. Here's the first one.
This was the original idea of the pose I thought of. But I saw it wasn't working out the way I wanted. So I started browsing photos on pixelovely and found this one.
I started tweaking it to get something closer to what I wanted originally.

I've been doing this in Pixelmator since GIMP's newest version kind of annoys me, I miss the previous version; I guess I just need more practicing to start liking the new one.
I later began to get carried away with thinking on whether I'd dress the Moons or simply use the moon colors for the models' skins. That then made me start thinking of model-like poses in case I decide to make up some outfits inspired in these moons.

Also considered making the clothes in plus model versions.

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