Wednesday, July 7, 2004

I'll follow you

The crowds shouted uncontrollably at the young elf who walked surrounded by two giants and guards.
'Traitor! Traitor!' they spat at his face and some even tried to get at him even as he was taken to the gallows.
A woman remained silent among the crowds, and watched with tears in her eyes as her love was being lead to his death. Images flashed in her head, the first time they met, the nights they had spent, the vows they had made, she was not about to turn her back on him and forget all of that. With a strenght that only strong feelings give, she made her way through the crowd, pushed away anyone who bared her path, knocked down the guards that surronder her love and threw her arms around him. There was a moment of silence, just for a heartbeat, she looked into his eyes and he stared back, cofused and happy at the same time. As one of the giants tried to pull her away, she shouted and screamed said she had a right to be with him, that she didn't care what'd happen to him she'd always be there.
The crowds, not hearing or caring, began to shout, 'Traitors! Traitors! Hang them both!'.
The guards looked to their officer, whom after a moment nodded. The giant that held her by the arm led her to the gallows along with the one they called traitor.
'You don't have to,' he said to her, as one of the guards read the crimes he had never comitted.
She looked at him and smiled, 'I want to...I'll go wherever you'll go.'
As a noose was placed around each of their necks, he could not help but looking at her and feeling angry and glad...
'I love you,' she whispered. Anger dissappeared.
'I love you too.'
The traps beneath their feet were opened, their bodies fell, the noose tightened, the crowd became silent again as they saw the two called traitors die with smiles on their faces.

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