Monday, July 26, 2004

1st Marked's Childhood

"'tis a pic of littl' Dran, (a character in a story idea thingie i've got) i had fun with this one, Dran is the trouble-faced kid with the wooden sword, the girl hugging him is Dran's best frieds' little sister, those are his best friends, the twins, the one laughing his head off is the youngest twin, and the older people in the back are the twins' and the girl's parents, he's a blacksmith and she's just an ordinary housewife. Dran plays a lot with the twins since his parents are teachers, his mother teaches the spear and his father the sword. 'Nways, Dran and the twins are constantly annoyed by the littl' girl who often wants to play and be the princess rescued by the brave prince, in other words, Dran. Later on Dran suffers a...something...not telling >=P heh, like a curse, and is forced to live away from normal people..."
Drawing of some characters for a story idea I've titled "7 Marked"
Pencil on paper

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