Friday, January 11, 2013

Source of Inspiration

There's a contest going on here to be done using DeviantArt's Muro option. This was my entry.

I can't pin point one specific source for inspiration, it mainly goes around things like music, nature, dreams, previous art styles, stories found in books, videogames, movies, even in history, culture and folk tales, and the feelings and lessons learnt in every one of these things mentioned. 
Here's a little background info to what I drew. A woman with her eyes closed to point out to the dreamy aspect of my source of inspiration. The main color used in the picture is purple because it has been related to themes like magic and imagination. All the other colours found in her hair represent the different aspects one can dream about, all the feelings, all the different types of music, all the stories found in books, everything that in the end inspires me to draw.
I hope it didn't turn out too bad :B

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